12 de abr. de 2011


Good morning my friends.
Now Psiconautas will have some posts in english!
We have some visitors from other country like United States of America, South Korea and Countrys of the Midle East. Because of this, now we decided to post some english content. It's dificult to us do that but we will try to do with pleasure and good sense.

to start with the right foot stay with this youtube link: Laranja Freak! A great brazilian band from Porto Alegre.

(Name of the song: Albert Hofmann)

Their sound is awesome!
Judge by your own psicodelic eyes!
bye bye! And keep conected with us!

2 comentários:

  1. Good Job guys! I don't understand portuguese. But i always try to use google traductor... Now you started to post in english. It's so nice! Fantastic! Thanks from USA!
